WHS.Sphere class is used to create sphere objects by it's radius property and other values that determinates it's detality.

It is similar to THREE.SphereGeometry, but it also contain's all properties, applied by WHS.Shape, such as material, mass and vectors like position (pos) and rotation (rot).

Then it creates an Three.js mesh or a Physijs mesh, that is similar to Three.js mesh, but it also participates in collision calculations. This mesh is a combination of Three.js geometry and Physijs material (The same as in three.js, but with friction and restitution).

const sphere = new WHS.Sphere({
  geometry: {
    radius: 2

  material: new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
    color: 0xffffff

  position: {
    y: 100



Geometry defaults

  // ...

  geometry: {
    radius: 1, // Number.
    widthSegments: 8, // Number
    heightSegments: 6 // Number

These defaults are additional, there are also defaults filled by MeshComponent, etc.


  // ...

  geometry: ['radius', 'widthSegments', 'heightSegments']