class inherits Component
MeshComponent used to work with THREE.Mesh
(and THREE.Line
) obects. It wraps WHS.Component
with common methods and properties used to work with Three.js meshes.
It defines position, rotation, quaternion and scale properties that are used to transform 3D objects.
That's how you can make a WHS.Element
from a three.js mesh:
3D Transforms
See 3D transforms page for more details about MeshComponent 3d transform methods/attributes.
Making a simple MeshComponent
import * as THREE from 'three';
// MeshComponent provides simple interface
import {MeshComponent} from 'whs/src/core/MeshComponent';
export default class BasicSphere extends MeshComponent {
build() {
return new THREE.Mesh(
new THREE.SphereGeometry(3, 16, 16),
new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0xff0000}) // red
build() method should return a mesh. This object will be then assigned to
attribute and added to app's Scene object.
import BasicSphere from './BasicSphere';
// ...
const sphere = new BasicSphere();
Handling parameters
import * as THREE from 'three';
// MeshComponent provides simple interface
import {MeshComponent} from 'whs/src/core/MeshComponent';
class BasicSphere extends MeshComponent {
static defaults = {
color: 0xff0000
constructor(params = {}) {
super(params, BasicSphere.defaults);
build() {
return new THREE.Mesh(
new THREE.SphereGeometry(3, 16, 16),
new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: params.color}) // your color
export {
Optional: Default values we provide as a second parameter when call super()
static defaults = {}
It's better to provide defaults in a static variable. It allows then simply get them for specific kind of
import BasicSphere from './BasicSphere';
// ...
const sphere = new BasicSphere({
color: 0x0000ff // blue
Method that creates a native object (THREE.Mesh
Can also return a Promise
if build processes are asynchronous. Then will assign resolved value to .native
This method is required for each component.
Is called by
.wrap() method applies 3D transforms (got from parameters) to component's .native
This method is originally provided by MeshComponent, but is also required.
Is called by
.clone()(geometry, material)
.clone() method clones the Mesh component, it take two boolean parameters to give full control over whether the Mesh geometry and/or material gets cloned.
Creating a MeshComponent of custom geometry
Custom geomtery
There are two static functions in MeshComponent made for easy creation of components from just a geometry.
MeshComponent.custom( geometry, constructor[optional] )
You'll probably use this one to produce a component several times in a project. It returns a component (class
export const Sphere = MeshComponent.custom( // Sphere is a class
new THREE.SphereGeometry(3, 32, 32)
Use this argument only if you want to use constructor other than
(For exampleTHREE.Line
MeshComponent.create( geometry, params, constructor[optional] )
This one you can use if you need to generate that object once and use it immediately.
const sphere = MeshComponent.create( // sphere is an object
new THREE.SphereGeometry(3, 32, 32),
material: new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial()
Updated almost 8 years ago